Become a Member of the Circle P Sanctuary Family, Donate Today!
We welcome all donations to Circle P Sanctuary and have provided, beyond your personal check, the convenience of Paypal and all major credit cards in order to make donating as simple and secure as possible for you.
We are a recognized 501(c)3 which means that all of your donations are fully tax deductible.
You can donate financially or by volunteering at our facility or possibly you have products and services in your business that you can share with the Circle P Sanctuary.
Whatever you can do to help, we thank you!
Click HERE to donate now via PayPal!
Adoption As An Option
Adopt One of Our Beloved Horses, Click here to see them!
If you are not in a position to adopt, we invite you to become a financial sponsor for one of our permanent residents on a monthly or annual basis!
To see our permanent residents, click here!
Sponsor One of Our Permanent Residents
To Donate Supplies
Please contact us directly by email at info@circlepsanctuary.org
Single Donations Are
Always Welcome and
They are All Tax Deductible!
Single Donation (EVERY dollar helps) = $___________
If you would like to mail in your donation, please print this page, fill it in and mail it to the address provided.
___ Check ____ MasterCard ____ VISA
Card Number:
________________________________ Exp. Date _________
Name of Cardholder:
Billing Address of Cardholder:
City _______________________ State _____ Zip _________
Phone ____________________________________________
Email _____________________________________________
Please make checks payable to: Circle P Sanctuary, Inc.
and mail to 2013 County Rd. 24, Marengo, OH, 43334